door colors 2022

Doors make a great example of something we often take for granted–they keep things in, they keep things out, you know? Doors are great. One thing that makes them such admirable aspects of a dwelling is that they are boundlessly aesthetic. They can be made from different materials, engraved, embossed, and painted in beautiful vibrant colors. Doors can be art. So what door colors are in now? Some of the deep reds, dark greens, and whites will always be relevant, but what of the unexpected trends in door colors now? What can you do to make your home’s front door both trendy and elegant? 


Before we dive into specific color ideas, let’s go over some ground rules you might want to keep in mind: 

  • Be deliberate and strategic with your color choice. It’s one thing to see a color you like, but there’s no guaranteeing it’ll look good with the rest of a home’s aesthetics. Think about the colors of your walls, roof, trim, and yard. 
  • Think about the mood you want the door to evoke. While it should complement the colors around it, it can also function as a focal point for a home’s curb appeal. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with a neutral white door, but some might view it as a wasted design opportunity. A bold color will make your door stand out and can add lots of energy to the appearance of a home’s exterior. 
  • Consider textures, doors with glass, and hardware. Color is not the only aspect of the door’s surroundings that might clash with the color. The little details that make your door unique could be colored, themselves. If your door handle and hinges are a certain color, then the door’s paint color should compliment them, as well. 

Now, without further adieu, here are some awesome door color ideas for 2022 that are definitely trending. 


  1. Bold Reds


Okay, so it might not be so surprising, but red is about as timeless of a door color as any other, giving a home a classically welcoming impression to visitors and passersby. And yes, it’s still popular. Red has the capacity to be deep, dark, and luxurious, but it can also be bold and vibrant. Current trends favor the latter, with many red doors now being comparatively bright and very attention-grabbing. 



  1. Sleek Blacks


One of the most popular trends for 2022 right now for door colors is black. Black is both bold and subdued, drawing very striking contrast against popular white trims and colorful homes. Be it brick, stucco, or panel siding, a black door will be a statement piece for a home’s curb appeal. Don’t underestimate black as a door color. Yes, it’s bold, but boldness in small doses can be a great touch on a home’s exterior. Black makes a great balance between boldness and subduedness, in case something like red or yellow is too energetic for your tastes. 


  1. Bright Yellows


Another color with lots of classic use history is yellow. However, bright yellows are especially popular, these days. A bright yellow door is a cheerful jolt of color for many homes. It can look charming, welcoming, and warm without being too bold or energetic. Paired with a pastel blue siding and white trim, a yellow door can’t be beaten. 



  1. Earthy Greens


Green doors have deep roots in tradition. Many people are familiar with dark green as a traditional color for front doors in old European cities. However, green is becoming an increasingly popular color in its lighter, earthier tones. This could be a fantastic option for those who love green but do not want to commit to it as the color for their entire home. Painting a front door a pastel-like, earthy green maintains a welcoming mood that is evocative of nature and calmness. 


  1. Neutral Grays


Gray makes a fine addition to our collection of trending colors for door paint in 2022. The truest of neutrals, gray is the perfect choice for the modern home. Subdued, classy, and adaptive–gray is one of today’s top choices for door paint because of the fact that it goes with just about anything. While pre-covid trends were dominated by gray for numerous aspects of the home, it remains a trending choice for door colors despite the surge in more vibrant hues. In the same sense that a bright door color can complement subdued surrounding colors, a strong argument can be made that a gray door will compliment very energetic surrounding colors. 



  1. Brooding Blues


We’re talking about rainy days, somber nights, and mellow vibes. When it comes to colors that evoke moodiness, few can compare with the subtle powers of blue. We’ve all seen navy blue, baby blue, and royal blue used on front doors, but 2022 is seeing trends in blues that combine earthy depth with an almost otherworldly element of melancholy. However, these blues don’t need to evoke anything dreary. Rather, they can be the perfect solution for someone who wants their door to be a color that’s calm, conservative, and reserved, yet also unique and intuitive. 


  1. Wood Grain


Last but not least amongst ETO’s picks for the trendiest door colors of 2022 is not a color at all but rather a design that might as well be a color: wood grain. Choosing to maximize a wood door’s potential for elegance and timelessness by leaving its natural grain exposed is never a bad move, and it’s becoming seemingly more and more popular these days. A solid wood door made from high-quality, sustainably sourced hardwoods is not only a respectable investment from a practical standpoint, but it’s also a symbol of wealth and prosperity. What better way to honor the noble origins of a hardwood front door than to allow its grain to stand out, using an appropriate sealer to protect it from the elements and draw out the contrast of the grains?